I grew up in south Georgia on the most beautiful piece of land with a huge lake which reflects the most breathtaking sunsets every single day. It was there that my love for photography began. The fact that God paints a brand new sunset for us each and every day just blows my mind. This is why I am passionate about enjoying everyone of them and capturing the beauty.
But it's not just sunsets that he gives us. Everyday he gives us precious moments with the ones we love. Often these moments go unnoticed and sometimes unseen. My passion is to notice them, to not take them for granted and to capture them for myself and for others to look back and see the beauty in the ordinary.
When I look through my camera I see a lifetime. A whole life already written but yet to be lived. I see the first steps, the wonder in their eyes when they watch the fireworks on the 4th of July or catch a firefly for the first time. I see the tears when they scrape their knee learning to ride their bike. I see the hundreds of baths and story times to be shared before they are old enough to do it on their own. I see the 936 weekends that you have with them before they are all grown up and on their own. The graduations, the weddings yes, but most of all I see all the ordinary days in between the big moments when we go to work or send them off to school or make them an afternoon snack while they do their homework. The mundane moments that we take for granted until they are passed. Those are the moments that must be captured.
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